RIP DDL Wizard
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2019 20:02:49 +0000
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I just found out that Redgate (the purchasers of the DDL Wizard developers Net 2000 LTD.) will no longer supply license keys for any version, including the free/unsupported version. Which means that while the software can still be downloaded, it's useless.
I know that DDL Wizard has largely been replaced by the DBMS_METADATA package and features built into software packages like TOAD and SQL DEVELOPER, but I still used it on a regular basis and still loved it. Unfortunately, my previous laptop has died, and I cannot run DDL Wizard on the new one.
This tool was of tremendous benefit in it's heyday and I for one will miss it.
Good bye DDL Wizard. Rest in Piece.
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-- on Wed Mar 06 2019 - 21:02:49 CET