Re: More Data Guard Issues
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2019 13:05:37 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Did you verify you dont have TNS_ADMIN defined? And no other Oracle homes on the system?
On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 12:53 PM Scott Canaan <> wrote:
> The wallet is in that location and only in that location. The only other
> sqlnet.ora file is in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/samples.
> *Scott Canaan ‘88*
> *Sr Database Administrator *Information & Technology Services
> Finance & Administration
> *Rochester Institute of Technology *o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520
> | c: (585) 339-8659
> *CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE*: The information transmitted, including
> attachments, is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is
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> contact the sender and destroy any copies of this information.
> *From:* Andrew Kerber []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 06, 2019 1:38 PM
> *To:* Scott Canaan
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: More Data Guard Issues
> So that would probably mean that its not finding the wallet in the
> location defined in sqlnet.ora. Do you have a second sqlnet.ora out there
> that doesnt have the wallet location defined in it? I have seen strange
> issues in behavior with oracle GI (ASM?) installed, where sometimes the
> standby uses the sqlnet.ora in the db home, and sometimes it uses the
> sqlnet.ora in the GI home. I started using softlinks or TNS_ADMIN to
> resolve that.
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 12:27 PM Scott Canaan <> wrote:
> We are using data guard in a test environment in Oracle Along
> with that, we are using tablespace encryption. This is causing some
> problems. When we do a switchover, the new secondary doesn’t work because
> it is getting the error “ORA-28365: wallet is not open” when data guard
> attempts to apply the logs. Once that error is encountered, the log apply
> process stops (gives up?).
> If you go into the secondary database in SQL*Plus, it says that the wallet
> is open. After a couple of minutes, we can do a data guard reset and it
> works. This is not acceptable to the customer. How do we get around
> this? Someone must have run into this.
> Thank you,
> *Scott Canaan ‘88 *
> *Sr Database Administrator *Information & Technology Services
> Finance & Administration
> *Rochester Institute of Technology *o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520
> | c: (585) 339-8659
> *CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE*: The information transmitted, including
> attachments, is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is
> addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any
> review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any
> action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than
> the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please
> contact the sender and destroy any copies of this information.
> --
> Andrew W. Kerber
> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
-- Andrew W. Kerber 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.' -- on Wed Mar 06 2019 - 20:05:37 CET