Re: ORA-1555 - Exa
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 22:01:40 +0000
Message-ID: <>
You might have a look at the undo advisers, either at the command line or in Enterprise Manager, where the charts may help explain how you're running out of undo space.
John Thomas
Database Designer and Administrator
On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 at 04:12, Jack van Zanen <> wrote:
> Hi All
> We are getting ORA-1555 on one of our daily extracts and I need to explain
> to the business why it is happening.
> ERROR at line 1:
> ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 92 with name
> "_SYSSMU92_3807070151$" too small
> ORA-06512: at line 43
> ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1726
> ORA-06512: at line 24
> I have an undo retention of 3 hours (query fails before that generally)
> I have an undo tablespace that can grow to 400G and currently only at 120G
> so it does not appear to be the usual suspects so I am thinking of setting
> an event to capture more information to explain it better
> would below give me more information why this is happening or is there a
> better solution?
> *alter system set events '1555 trace name errorstack level 3';*
> My guess is that the same blocks are simply changed too many times during
> the time of query so the rollback record required for CR is simply no
> longer available.
> Jack van Zanen
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-- on Tue Jan 29 2019 - 23:01:40 CET