Re: Datapump question
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 16:04:06 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Mark, I messed up. I was not aware that it is possible to mask columns during the import phase. I have been using PL/SQL based on DBMS_OBFUSCATE. I should have read the fine manual.
On 1/23/19 2:09 PM, Mark W. Farnham wrote:
> cool. Learning something new today. I didn’t even know you could
> obscure column content with exp/imp.
> *From:*
> [] *On Behalf Of *Mladen Gogala
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 23, 2019 9:43 AM
> *To:* Adric Norris; Ahmed
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: Datapump question
> With the advent of cloud and DBaaS, data pump becomes awkward.
> However, even Oracle 18c maintains the good, old exp/imp executables
> which can be used instead. Ttue, data pump versions are much faster,
> but there is no need to copy files locally and there are no limits
> with the number of columns.
> Mladen Gogala
> Database Consultant
> Tel: (347) 321-1217
> On 1/22/2019 3:03:23 PM, Adric Norris <
> <>> wrote:
> I'm not sure what version you're on, but had a limit of
> something like 8-10 columns (going from memory, so the exact
> number is a bit fuzzy). We opened a SR for it at the time, and
> Oracle's response was that you need to purchase Oracle Data
> Redaction if the built-in Datapump limit is insufficient.
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 11:47 AM Ahmed <
> <>> wrote:
> I try to export a table using DBMS_DATAPUMP. The table has 20
> columns and I try to anonymise 11 columns using functions from
> package. Like this way:
> dbms_datapump.data_remap(handle => h1, name => 'COLUMN_FUNCTION',
> table_name => 'TEST_TABLE', column => 'COL1', function
> => 'MYPKG.FU1', schema => USER);
> but it seems that work only for 10 columns.
> If I try to anonymize more than 10 columns I get ORA-39001
> invalid input argument at datapump job definition.
> Is this a bug or maybe a restriction? Any Idea?
> Best Regards
> Ahmed Fikri
> Senior Developer
> Stuttgart, Germany
-- Mladen Gogala Database Consultant Tel: (347) 321-1217 -- on Thu Jan 24 2019 - 22:04:06 CET