Re: One primary with two physical standbys exhibiting different behavior with regard to lag

From: Sandra Becker <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 15:07:07 -0700
Message-ID: <>

It's not RAC. I checked the thread#. For the standby redo, it's thread 0 as you mentioned. I read your article. Very nice, thank you.


On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 2:34 PM Neil Chandler <> wrote:

> Sandy,
> Have you checked the Standby Redo logs? There's a slight (annoying) change
> in Oracle 12.1 onwards which means that Standby Redo logs get created with
> Thread 0 instead of Thread 1 by default (for a single instance database).
> Redo can only use Standby Redo when the threads are the same. If this is
> RAC you need Standby Redo for each thread - and you must have 1 more
> Standby Redo than Online Redo for each thread.
> By coincidence, I wrote a blog post about this 10 minutes ago.
> regards
> Neil Chandler
> Database Guy. Knows Things.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <> on
> behalf of Sandra Becker <>
> *Sent:* 03 January 2019 20:29
> *To:* oracle-l
> *Subject:* One primary with two physical standbys exhibiting different
> behavior with regard to lag
> Oracle
> To begin with, I have not worked much at all with standby databases, so my
> knowledge is somewhat lacking.
> For business reasons, we have a primary database with two physical
> standbys. Everything is configured in dgmgrl and enabled. Monitoring with
> EM13c is reporting the lag times, so all looks good for basic setup and
> monitoring. We seem to have significant lag at times on one of the
> standbys, as much as 20 minutes. When looking at v$managed_standby, we see
> the status as "WAIT_FOR_LOG". The other standby never seems to be more
> that a few seconds behind, if at all, and the status is "APPLYING_LOG".
> Is this normal? I've been researching, but haven't found an answer yet.
> I didn't create or start the standby databases, so I don't have any idea
> what was actually done that could be causing this behavior. Any
> suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thank you,
> --
> Sandy B.

Sandy B.

Received on Thu Jan 03 2019 - 23:07:07 CET

Original text of this message