Re: How does Oracle database close client connections

From: Stefan Knecht <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 10:33:48 +0700
Message-ID: <>

The database does not automatically close inactive connections by default.

You can achieve this, if desired, through the use of profiles. Have a look at IDLE_TIME here:

On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 9:55 AM Hameed, Amir <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was recently engaged to troubleshoot an issue in a pre-production
> environment which involves Oracle database running on Solaris
> server and IIS running on a Windows VM. On the IIS side, the minimum and
> maximum connection pool settings are set to 100 and 4000 respectively. On
> the Oracle database side, the processes and sessions parameters are set to
> 4000 and 6000 respectively. I have no visibility to IIS and I do not have
> any experience with IIS either. I am relying on my understanding of how
> connection pooling work in WebLogic Server to triage the problem. The
> application processes thousands of invoices in multiple batches and each
> batch can run up to 4000 invoices concurrently. The non-production
> environment has similar setup (at least this is what I have been told).
> When the application team runs load in non-production, it completes
> successfully and we do not see more than 150 connections coming from the VM
> (V$SESSION.MACHINE) and the INACTIVE session count goes down to 100.
> However, the same load when run in the pre-production environment, it
> consumes up to 4000 connections and this is a repeatable process. I have
> been told that IIS is setup the same way in non-production and
> pre-production environments. The default value of releasing idle
> connections frequency in IIS is 30 seconds. However, after processing
> invoices, even though connections established from the IIS VM have INACTIVE
> status, connections are not getting released in the pre-production
> environment and I am trying to understand the mechanism around how Oracle
> database releases connections.
> I believe (and I could be wrong) that Oracle does not automatically close
> INACTIVE connections on its own and this is not the same situation as DCD.
> Is it possible that even though IIS is trying to shrink the connection pool
> but Oracle database is not releasing connections? Both non-production and
> pre-production have same initialization parameters with the only difference
> being the SGA size.
> Any insight will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Amir

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Received on Fri Nov 16 2018 - 04:33:48 CET

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