Re: 12c upgrade slow
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 14:37:36 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Looks like we are using some features of Oracle Locator but not Spatial. So I believe I can remove Spatial but Multimedia is needed for Locator is what I am reading.
On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 12:38 PM Rich J <> wrote:
> On 2018/11/05 13:21, Jeff Chirco wrote:
> Thanks for all the tips so far. Yes I am gathering dictionary stats and
> fixed object stats right before.
> Here is the output summary. I test the memory setting and processes.
> And Tim I'll look for an AWR.
> Oracle Server UPGRADED 0:46:24
> JServer JAVA Virtual Machine VALID 0:39:56
> Oracle Workspace Manager UPGRADED 0:04:03
> Oracle Label Security UPGRADED 0:01:43
> Oracle XDK UPGRADED 0:00:36
> Oracle Text UPGRADED 0:05:11
> Oracle XML Database UPGRADED 0:12:28
> Oracle Database Java Packages UPGRADED 0:00:22
> Oracle Multimedia UPGRADED 0:21:32
> Spatial UPGRADED 0:24:01
> Oracle Application Express VALID 0:00:07
> Oracle Database Vault UPGRADED 0:02:50
> Final Actions 0:03:54
> Post Upgrade 0:00:50
> Total Upgrade Time: 02:46:46
> On the off chance it's an option, uninstalling unused Enterprise options
> should help, especially for Spatial and Multimedia. If that is an option,
> be prepared to pull any hair out that you have in order to accomplish that
> task. I did that for 10.1 -> 11.2, and needed multiple MOS articles,
> multiple SRs, and to fix one of Oracle's fixes that didn't work as
> documented. In the end, it was worth it, as it saved costly downtime for
> the business.
> Rich
-- on Mon Nov 05 2018 - 23:37:36 CET