Re: Weird behavior with find command when tarring files

From: Andre Maasikas <>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 09:10:32 +0300
Message-ID: <>

see "man xargs"
xargs will execute the tar command with as much filenames as it thinks is allowed on command line
(might be 128kb). If you have more files then it executes the command again and the tar
will overwrite the first /tmp/test.tar etc... See if tar has on option to to create/append to an existing tar file or write the find output to a temp file and use tar option *--files-from*= *FILE* Andre

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 11:57 PM Hameed, Amir <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using the *find* command to TAR up files that are older than 4 hours:
> find . type f -mmin +239 | xargs tar -cvf /tmp/test.tar
> The command tars up files and seems to finish fine. However, when I untar
> and count the number of files against the count of files that should have
> been captured (find . type f –mmin +239 | xargs ls –l | wc -l) there is a
> huge difference and the files captured by tar were way less than the file
> listed for the same time.
> This is a strange behavior. What am I doing wrong (I am sure I am doing
> something wrong)?
> Thanks,
> Amir

Received on Fri Oct 19 2018 - 08:10:32 CEST

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