Re: Group by wrong results?
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 10:15:19 +0000
Message-ID: <MMXP12301MB1598F489B7358F34BFF59832A5380_at_MMXP12301MB1598.GBRP123.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
I think the specific bug is more likely to be 20537092 : WRONG RESULT FOR NESTED QUERY GROUP BY I'm not sure if this got through to the list on an earlier previous post - everything I've sent to the list in the last six weeks seems to have disappeared silently. Ditto the post about using the/*+ no_elim_groupby(_at_queryblock) */ hint as a less aggressive way of working around the problem.
Jonathan Lewis
From: <> on behalf of Rich J <> Sent: 09 August 2018 17:19
Subject: Re: Group by wrong results?
On 2018/08/09 09:46, Rich J wrote:
On 2018/08/08 13:33, Daniel Fink wrote:
The 2nd query I posted is returning the data I want (max number of sessions per minute, not a total count of sessions per minute). I pulled the queries apart and checked the data output.
It's interesting that:
ALTER SYSTEM SET OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE='' SCOPE=BOTH; ...has the query returning the correct results, as inferred by Jonathan's blog post linked in a previous response.
I'm getting the same incorrect grouping as you with my DB, and this setting appears to be a workaround, although with the distinct possibility of other side-effects.
BTW, this seems to match BUG 19567916 and the bugs/fixes that supersede it.
-- on Tue Aug 14 2018 - 12:15:19 CEST