Aw: I can't unwrap an old 9i wrapped function
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 18:47:56 +0100
Message-Id: <>
This thread and the books and blogs of many respected contributors to this forum and elsewhere often make me ask what is legal and what is (depending on your jurisdiction) illegal software reverse engineering.
The OTN Oracle DB Licence a few moments ago:
[You may not] cause or permit reverse engineering (unless required by law for interoperability), disassembly or decompilation of the Programs; and
IANAL but there is clearly a fine line between outright hacking & software (encoding algorithm or technology) reverse-engineering and normal Oracle technology usage, irrespective of whether the underlying code is yours, Oracle’s, or yours and wrapped inside the DB using Oracle IP, know-how, and algorithms.
Pete’s business indemnity insurance premium must be very high :-)
Mike <>
> Am 29.06.2018 um 18:03 schrieb Martin Berger <>:
> Unfortunately I don't have a tool, but this presentation by Pete Finnigan will be a good starting point:
> <>
> Hth,
> berx
> Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco < <>> schrieb am Fr., 29. Juni 2018, 18:04:
> Please,I can't unwrap an old 9i wrapped function
> currently there are tools for 10g onward wrapped procedures.
> like <>
> for old wrapped there are OracleUnWrapper.exe from softdream but is too expensive.
> If someone know about a way to unwrap could you please send me :)
> Thank you :)
Received on Fri Jun 29 2018 - 19:47:56 CEST