Re: Sudden occurrence of SHARED_POOL LATCH waits - DB up since 4/3/2018
Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 12:17:06 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Is auto SGA management enabled? That is, is either SGA_TARGET > 0 or
If so, please consider examining the log of auto SGA management in
As described in my presentation
Jonathan Lewis also discusses this phenomenon in a related posting HERE
Anyway, my solution for the thrashing was to determine a "floor" value
for the parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE based on the historic average size of
"__shared_pool_size" as recorded in the AWR view DBA_HIST_PARAMETERS,
and set SHARED_POOL_SIZE to that "floor" value, preventing the Shared
Pool from being made smaller than that value. The basic idea is to
permit auto SGA management to adjust occasionally, but not thrash.
Please let us know what you find, and I hope this helps?
On 5/31/18 11:39, Dominic Brooks wrote:
and white paper
on "RDBMS Forensics: Troubleshooting Using ASH", there is a situation in
some applications, particularly analytic or data mart applications,
where huge complex SQL or PL/SQL cursors cause rapid expansion of the
Shared Pool during parse, and then equally rapid expansion of the Buffer
Cache during subsequent execution and fetch. Adjusting the size of the
Shared Pool requires the Shared Pool latch, so thrashing space between
the Buffer Cache and the Shared Pool is almost certain to result in that
latch becoming a bottleneck, as described in the presentation.
> Am I out of touch or is that an exceedingly large shared pool?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 31 May 2018, at 18:05, Chris Taylor
> <
> <>> wrote:
>> version 12.1
>> Linux x86-64
>> Event Waits Total Wait Time (sec) Wait Avg(ms) % DB time Wait Class
>> latch: shared pool 402,269 103.4K 256.95 29.5 Concurrency
>> DB CPU 100.3K 28.6
>> latch free 362,927 42.2K 116.26 12.0 Other
>> Background:
>> We've got a database with 4TB of RAM and a 260GB shared pool.
>> Everything was running normally until 2 nights ago when a regularly
>> scheduled job that does TONS of DDL suddenly blew up the shared pool.
>> Trying to query x$ksmsp for shared pool sizes is also causing huge
>> amounts of latch waits.
>> When these jobs aren't running, the db is working normally. Starting
>> just one of the jobs brings back the shared pool latching problem
>> immediately.
>> I'm thinking the shared pool is heavily fragmented but am looking for
>> additional queries or views I can use to diagnose shared pool
>> problems. We're not running into any shared pool errors as far as
>> memory allocations.
>> This query hangs and causes huge contention:
>> select ksmchcls "ChnkClass",
>> sum(ksmchsiz) "SumChunkTypeMem",
>> Max(ksmchsiz) "LargstChkofThisTyp",
>> count(1) "NumOfChksThisType",
>> round((sum(ksmchsiz)/tot_sp_mem.totspmem),2)*100||'%' "PctTotSPMem"
>> from x$ksmsp,
>> (select sum(ksmchsiz) TotSPMem from x$ksmsp) tot_sp_mem
>> group by ksmchcls, tot_sp_mem.TotSPMem
>> order by 5;
>> This query runs fine and seems to indicate there is plenty of reserve
>> space:
>> select free_space, round(avg_free_size,2) as
>> avg_free_size,free_count,max_free_size,used_space,
>> round(avg_used_size,2) as avg_used_size, used_count, max_used_size,
>> requests, request_misses, last_miss_size,
>> request_failures, last_failure_size, aborted_request_threshold,
>> aborted_requests
>> from v$shared_pool_reserved
>> /
>> 13435398168 236538.7 16023 27316040 319665968 5627.92 40777
>> 1048552 10903867 0 0 0 0 2147483647 0
>> The Jobs in question do PARTITION EXCHANGES for many, many sites with
>> temp tables that are built as part of the job.
>> The DB has been up since: 04/03/2018 07:12:23 and the last 2 days are
>> the first time this has been seen and is repeatable by restarting any
>> one of the jobs (there are 8 total)
>> Thinking about flushing the shared pool (or restarting db off hours)
>> as a test to see if it resolves the issue (like throwing a grenade
>> into a anthill resolves a problem with ants...not the best approach
>> but might be effective)
>> Any thoughts/comments/insults?
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
-- on Thu May 31 2018 - 20:17:06 CEST