Re: Service de-registration after switchover question
Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 08:19:56 -0700
Message-ID: <>
v$database; NAME DATABASE_ROLE --------- ---------------- ABCR1 PHYSICALSTANDBY crsctl stat res -t
Name Target State Server State details
Cluster Resources
ora.abcr1.abcr_perl.svc 1 OFFLINE OFFLINE STABLE ora.abcr1.abcr_tsam.svc 1 OFFLINE OFFLINE STABLE ora.abcr1.abcr_usr.svc 1 OFFLINE OFFLINE STABLE ora.abcr1.abcr_web.svc 1 OFFLINE OFFLINE STABLE ora.abcr1.db 1 ONLINE INTERMEDIATE server011 Mounted (Closed),HOM E=/u01/app/oracle/pr oduct/ e_1,STABLE 2 ONLINE INTERMEDIATE server012 Mounted (Closed),HOM E=/u01/app/oracle/pr oduct/ e_1,STABLE
On 5/16/2018 2:15 AM, Oleksandr Denysenko wrote:
> so, actually, you have service *ABCR_USR*� started in some way on *ABCR1*
> what is result of
> srvctl status service -d *ABCR1*
> ABCR1 - is standby now ?
> SELECT database_role FROM v$database;
> Best Regards,
> Oleksandr Denysenko
> 16.05.2018 11:55, Doug Kushner �����:
>> Additional info as requested, all from the first node of the new
>> standby RAC server.
>> ------------------------------------ -----------
>> -------------------------------------------
>> db_unique_name���������������������� string ABCR1
>> service_names����������������������� string
>> The HOST names in the following ADDRESS_LIST are DNS cnames that
>> alias the scan names on each of the platforms.
>> ��� (ADDRESS_LIST =
>> ����� (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = abcr-prim-scan)(PORT =
>> 1521))� <<< This is new standby
>> ����� (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = abcr-stby-scan)(PORT =
>> 1521))� <<< This is new primary
>> ��� )
>> ��� (CONNECT_DATA =
>> ��� )
>> � )
>> Listener entries for the other ABCR_* services are identical to the
>> ABCR_USR entry and have been omitted.
>> LSNRCTL> services
>> Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
>> Services Summary...
>> Service "ABCR1" has 1 instance(s).
>> � Instance "ABCR11", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
>> ��� Handler(s):
>> ����� "DEDICATED" established:1504 refused:0 state:ready
class="quotelev2">>> �������� LOCAL SERVER
>> Service "ABCR1_DGB" has 1 instance(s).
>> � Instance "ABCR11", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
>> ��� Handler(s):
>> ����� "DEDICATED" established:1504 refused:0 state:ready
>> �������� LOCAL SERVER
>> Service "ABCR1_DGMGRL" has 1 instance(s).
>> � Instance "ABCR11", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
>> ��� Handler(s):
>> ����� "DEDICATED" established:32 refused:1
>> �������� LOCAL SERVER
>> Service "ABCR_USR" has 1 instance(s).
>> � Instance "ABCR11", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
>> ��� Handler(s):
>> ����� "DEDICATED" established:1504 refused:0 state:ready
>> �������� LOCAL SERVER
>> The command completed successfully
>> On 5/16/2018 12:19 AM, Oleksandr Denysenko wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> please, show from new standby:
>>> * show parameter db_unique_name
>>> * show parameter service_name
>>> * lsnrctl services
>>> * full desctiption of used TNS connection string
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Oleksandr Denysenko
>>> 16.05.2018 8:19, Doug Kushner �����:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Please be kind as this is my first posting to this list.
>>>> We have two RAC platforms with GI and RDBMS
>>>> replicating with Data Guard.� Switchover testing was successful
>>>> using the broker with the roles switching successfully.� Services
>>>> have been configured with the primary role on both platforms and as
>>>> expected, after switchover the services are stopped on the new
>>>> standby and started on the new primary.� The applications are not
>>>> TAF/FAN aware, so these tests assume for the time being that we are
>>>> shutting down the apps (external connections) and restarting them
>>>> after the switchover.
>>>> Now for the question...� We expected as part of this switchover,
>>>> that the services which were stopped would automatically be
>>>> de-registered from the listener on the new standby side.� However,
>>>> they are still registered, and we are wondering if it is our
>>>> expectations or our configuration that is at fault.
>>>> With the services still registered on the standby side, sqlplus
>>>> connection attempts to the service result in an ORA-01033 error,
>>>> since the standby address is the first of the two addresses in the
>>>> TNS alias.
>>>> Have not been able to find any info regarding deregistration of
>>>> services in the listener after a switchover, so thought I would ask
>>>> the experts.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Doug
>>>> --
-- on Wed May 16 2018 - 17:19:56 CEST