Re: Database migration options
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2018 19:43:45 -0400
Message-ID: <>
And, of course, there is Quest's SharePlex, which is tested and tried.
Also available on the time basis. I've had some experience with
SharePlex few years ago and they were favourable. As for DbVisit, I have
used their standby for standard edition product and it's an excellent
product. It can even do a switchover, just like DG Broker. If DbVisit
replicate product is of the same quality as their standby product, I
wouldn't hesitate to use it.
On 03/22/2018 04:08 PM, John Kelly wrote:
> Chen,
> I would add the DBvisit Replicate product to the list. I believe it is
> also available on a time basis (you can rent it).
> - John Kelly
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
Received on Fri Mar 23 2018 - 00:43:45 CET