Re: Oracle High Availability Question(s)
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 16:56:48 +0100
Message-ID: <>
We know how to handle table with different PK with KEYCOLS, precisely that is what we did but it turns out a bug which happens only in Integrated Extract (Classic Extract handle this correctly). It is not a bug we invented, we opened a SR and after 3 weeks support finally admitted it as bug and being worked by development.
By the way the table does not need be exactly the same in OGG. Our use case is replicating operational database to historical database.
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 4:44 PM, Reen, Elizabeth <> wrote:
> The objects have to be the same to be replicated. A
> different PK may allow duplicates on one database which are not possible on
> the other. It should have flagged the error, but I don’t see this as a
> bug. A pk on orders would have duplicate accounts. A PK on accounts would
> blow up with dups.
> Liz
> *From:* Ls Cheng []
> *Sent:* Friday, February 16, 2018 10:35 AM
> *To:* Reen, Elizabeth [ICG-IT]
> *Cc:* Chris Taylor; Tim Gorman; Scott Canaan;;
> *Subject:* Re: Oracle High Availability Question(s)
> Hello Elisabeth
> Our were not application issues. It was OGG bugs which ignored DML
> operations. If a replication software cannot guarantee replicate all DML
> operations then we have a big problem.
> BR
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Reen, Elizabeth <>
> wrote:
> GG requires that you understand the app. It also requires that you make
> the changes in both DBs. It’s not unpredictable, you just need to stay on
> top of it and the changes. We ran into all sorts of sequence issues. It
> turns out that the app was not using sequences but reading the max and
> adding 1. GG will find all of the weaknesses in your code.
> Liz
> *From:* [mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_
>] *On Behalf Of *Ls Cheng
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 15, 2018 5:50 PM
> *To:* Chris Taylor
> *Cc:* Tim Gorman; Scott Canaan;;
> *Subject:* Re: Oracle High Availability Question(s)
> Hi
> Just some warning with GoldenGate.
> Recently we had a big issue with GoldenGate in the most critical database
> in one of or customers. GoldenGate ignored all updates in target because
> the target and source had different PK (target had same table structure as
> source but partitioned so PK had an additional column, the partitioning
> key), just because of different PK even we knew that and specified KEYCOLS
> in the target the updates was ignored until 1 month later a data analyst
> noticed some data divergence and adviced our support team. We had to
> restore 4 backups (each 4TB) to recover the data. It turns out bug 26553124
> and there werent even a Alert in MOS explaining such behaviour.
> Lesson learnt. GoldenGate is unpredictable, this is the second time in 2
> years I see such data divergence due to GoldenGate bug and the impact is
> huge, huge and huge because data divergence is soooo difficult to detect.
> So for DR stick with Data Guard (Physical Standby). I consider RAC as HA
> because you have several nodes available for a single copy of data (I
> consider DR more than one copy of data) and the death of one node still
> makes the application available, only 100%/number of nodes is impacted and
> the recovery is fast.
> Thanks
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:47 PM, Chris Taylor <
>> wrote:
> What about GoldenGate Tim??
> (Since I find myself trying to support this with no training/prior
> experience and learning in the deep end of the pool.... :)
> Chris
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 3:23 PM, Tim Gorman <> wrote:
> Going into Data Guard without training is uncomfortable, but going into
> RAC without training is untenable. You can try it, but it is going to hurt
> a lot, and you'll end up with something you'll regret.
> ---
-- on Fri Feb 16 2018 - 16:56:48 CET