Re: Question about single-sign-on products
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 16:41:45 +0800
Message-ID: <>
Late to this, but +1 for what Noveljic has said.
I've just finished rolling out Windows Single Sign on to all our databases
without too many hiccups.
Our databases are a mix of 11.2, 12.1 running on AIX and Linux.
Using Kerberos authentication, there's no need for any additional products
or licensing costs to Oracle.
It works really neatly in combination with Proxy Authentication as well.
I haven't really blogged abut this (yet), there's a few resources scattered
around the internet.
A few gotchas:
Use KERBEROS5PRE instead of KERBEROS5, the latter has some bugs still not
fixed in 12.2
Be careful generating multiple keytabs against one service account that you
don't increment kvno and invalidate previous keytabs.
Let me know if you have any issues, I may well have hit them already :)
On 1 February 2018 at 23:44, Noveljic Nenad <> wrote:
> Actually, we’re on Solaris x86.
> My teammate Balazs Berki documented the solutions for the issues we had
> hit when setting up the Kerberos AD authentication with Oracle databases in
> the following blog post:
> 08/oracle-single-sign-on-with-kerberos-pitfalls/ .
> And yes, we got it working.
> The feature has proven to be invaluable in an Oracle shop like ours with
> hundreds of database which get duplicated around, 30-days password expiry
> policies and many people connecting to them with developer tools.
> Nenad
> *From:* Jeff Chirco []
> *Sent:* Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018 16:25
> *To:* Noveljic Nenad; ORACLE-L
> *Subject:* Re: Question about single-sign-on products
> Hi Noveljic, wow did you get AD authentication to work? Do you have notes
> you could share. Also is your DB server on Windows or Linux?
> Thanks
> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 6:34 AM, Noveljic Nenad <
>> wrote:
> I can confirm that the Kerberos authentication with Active Directory is
> working smoothly. Though we had hit some issues when setting it up
> initially that were resolved by installing some additional Oracle patches.
> Our main goal was to get rid of the cumbersome database password
> authentication for developers. The upside is that you don’t need any
> additional Oracle products to that. On the downside, the roles still have
> to be managed within each individual database separately.
> Nenad
> *From:* [mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_
>] *On Behalf Of *Niall Litchfield
> *Sent:* Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018 10:29
> *To:* Charles Schultz
> *Cc:* ORACLE-L
> *Subject:* Re: Question about single-sign-on products
> We are in the process of implementing Enterprise User Security
> <> where the
> authentication is done via the Kerberos tickets you get at windows logon.
> That requires a purchase of Directory Services Plus licenses (if you don't
> already have them or OID licenses). It no longer requires the advanced
> security option though. Engineering the solution was relatively
> straightforward once you get your head around the moving parts. The biggest
> challenge is the need to understand the new security model and to determine
> the best roles and groups etc for your users. It would also be possible to
> merely use Kerberos or SSL authentication as strong authentication
> <>
> (and SSO) for your individual database users.
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 7:14 PM, Charles Schultz <>
> wrote:
> Good day,
> Just putting out feelers to see what experiences folks have had with
> various single-sign-on packages. We have a mix of Oracle and MS SQL Server,
> and use Active Directory a bit for the MS stuff.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Charles Schultz
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
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-- on Sun Feb 04 2018 - 09:41:45 CET