Re: Login Slow on One Database using ArcGIS
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 12:02:33 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Does the ArcGIS client log directly into the database or is this a thin app running on an application server?
Seth Miller
On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 12:00 PM, Powell, Mark <> wrote:
> Sallie, do you have access to the AWR or Statspack. I would check the
> reports for the problem database to see if any specific waits or queries
> stand out as potential issues. The reports should also vie you an idea of
> the load. This one database could have 3X the connections as the other
> three databases combined for all we know so I say first try to make sure
> the instance in fact looks fine using traditional measures. If automatic
> memory management features of one type or another are in use verifying that
> the memory distribution has not ended up badly skewed should also be one of
> the checks on your list.
> Mark Powell
> Database Administration
> (313) 592-5148
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <> on
> behalf of Sallie Cottingham <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 3, 2018 12:16:52 PM
> *To:* ORACLE-L
> *Subject:* Login Slow on One Database using ArcGIS
> I have a server that has 4 databases on it and the user is reporting that
> logging in to one specific database is extremely slow when using VPN, but
> that all of the others are fine.
> What I have found out (and confirmed with the user) is that logging into
> the DB thru SQL*Plus or TOAD has no issues. The problem occurs when they
> are logging into the DB thru their application which happens to be ArcGIS.
> This is a standalone DB running
> Our Infrastructure Architect is telling me that the server itself is
> almost maxed out on CPU and so he has added RAM to it. (It is a VM
> machine) He is telling me that I am going to need to increase the SGA on
> the DB to solve the problem.
> Before I go there I wanted to check with this group to provide any ideas
> on what I can look for to help pinpoint the problem. My tendency is to
> think that it is a network problem or some problem with the ArcGIS setup
> since the problem only occurs when using the application, not when access
> is thru SQL*Plus or TOAD. Also, the other 3 databases on this server are
> also running ArcGIS with no issues. I’m just not sure where to begin
> looking and would appreciate any help!
> *Sallie Cottingham*
> Database Administrator
> Division of Technology Solutions
> Comptroller of the Treasury
> 425 Fifth Avenue North
> <,+TN+37243&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Nashville, TN 37243
> <,+TN+37243&entry=gmail&source=g>
> -34001
> * <>*
> 615-401-7962
> *The Comptroller’s Nashville office is moving to a new location. Our
> office’s telephone numbers, fax** numbers, and e-mail addresses will not
> change. However, effective December 18, 2017, all mail should be sent to
> the following address:*
> *Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury*
> *Technology Solutions*
> *Cordell Hull Building*
> *425 Fifth Avenue North
> <*_Nashville,+TN+37243_*&entry=gmail&source=g>*
> *Nashville, TN 37243
> <*_Nashville,+TN+37243_*&entry=gmail&source=g>-3400*
-- on Wed Jan 03 2018 - 19:02:33 CET