Re: OEM 12c ( generating too many alerts on Metrics "Logons Per Sec"
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2017 10:00:04 -0700
Message-ID: <>
>> Ideally it maybe good to investigate why so many logins happening
but it is very hard for me to spend time to do that instead I would like
to simply disable it.
Ashoke, my apologies for being blunt, but the previous sentence is one
of those occasions where one simply *must* ask, "Did I REALLY write that?"
This is the cry of a drowning person. Please allow the members of this
list to assist you? We cannot (and will not) do your job for you, but
you have several hundred collective years of experience on tap, and you
have an ideal opportunity to not only get your initial question
answered, but possibly also address root cause and take control of the
Doubtless Kellyn has provided all the information you need to silence
(at least temporarily) the alerts. That resolves your initial problem.
Please do realize that the alerts you've just silenced are leverage for
you to take to your management for time to delve into root cause? Both
Oracle Enterprise Manager (i.e. vendor) and the contributors to this
email list are assuring you that more than 150 logons/sec is very bad,
regardless of what the vendor of the software causing this problem say
(or don't say).
There was an earlier suggestion to use database auditing, but if the
initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL is set to NONE (which is often the
case), then you'll need to bounce the instance to change it. Even if
database auditing is already enabled, then the purported rate of logons
might swamp Oracle's auditing capability, or at least cause a noticeable
impact, so perhaps a less-intrusive way to being investigating might be
running a query similar to the following, which attempts to display
which USERNAME has created the most connections in the past 24 hours...
select (sysdate-logon_time)*86400 loggedon_secs, username,
count(*) cnt
Once you find a probable USERNAME as the culprit, you could drill in
closer by filtering just for those sessions and checking another bit of
information, such as PROGRAM...
select (sysdate-logon_time)*86400 loggedon_secs, program,
count(*) cnt
Of course, if you wish, start with PROGRAM and then perhaps drill down
to USERNAME? Or some other metric?
If you could run some queries like this and post the results back to the
list, we would appreciate it?
Hope this helps...
On 12/27/17 08:40, Ashoke Mandal wrote:
from v$session
where (sysdate-logon_time) < 1
group by (sysdate-logon_time)*86400, username
order by loggedon_secs desc;
from v$session
where (sysdate-logon_time) < 1
and username = 'BAD-USERNAME'
group by (sysdate-logon_time)*86400, program
order by loggedon_secs desc;
> Hi Kellyn, Jonathan,Mladen,Thank you all for the reply. Here are some
> answer to some of your points.
> I never had this type of flooding alerts in OEM 11g.
> It is happening for each of my server(host) not from one ow two.
> So I would like to disable this alert if there is an option.
> Ideally it maybe good to investigate why so many logins happening but
> it is very hard for me to spend time to do that instead I would like
> to simply disable it.
> Any further tips will be appreciated.
> Ashoke
> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Jonathan Lewis
> < <>> wrote:
> Ashoke,
> The correct way to fix this problem is to find out what is logging
> on 146 times per second and stop it - it can't possibly be
> necessary and it's probably having an appalling effect on the
> performance of the database. I'd expect to see lots of time lost
> on library cache latch and dictionary cache latch activity,
> probably with plenty of mutex sleeps as well and "connection
> management" showing up with a significant (though relatively
> small) amount of time in the Time Model report.
> If you want to avoid too many messages flooding your inbox (until
> you've fixed the important problem) create a rule that redirects
> the incoming alert messages to a separate file based on the
> subject and some aspect of the message content.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> ________________________________________
> From:
> <>
> <
> <>> on behalf of Ashoke Mandal
> < <>>
> Sent: 26 December 2017 13:17
> To: Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman
> Cc: Mladen Gogala; ORACLE-L
> Subject: Re: OEM 12c ( generating too many alerts on
> Metrics "Logons Per Sec"
> Hi Kellyn, Here is the details of the alert. This alert is is
> coming too many times and flooding my Inbox. Any help will be
> appreciated. Thanks, Ashoke
> Host=<Host_Name>
> Target type=Database Instance
> Target name=<DB_Name>
> Categories=Load
> Message=Metrics "Logons Per Sec" is at
> 149.676<
> <>>
> Severity=Warning
> Event reported time=Dec 26, 2017 6:02:38 AM MST
> Operating System=SunOS
> Platform=sparc
> Associated Incident
> Id=2606<
> <>>
> Associated Incident Status=New
> Associated Incident Owner=
> Associated Incident Acknowledged By Owner=No
> Associated Incident Priority=None
> Associated Incident Escalation Level=0
> Event Type=Metric Alert
> Event
> name=Server_Adaptive_Threshold_Metric:instance_throughput__logons_ps
> Metric Group=Server_Adaptive_Threshold_Metric
> Metric=Cumulative Logons Per
> Sec<
> <>>
> Metric value=149.675702644271
> Key Value=SYSTEM
> Rule Name=MTC_MECC_DMAS Incident All Targets,Create incident for
> critical metric alerts
> Rule Owner=SYSMAN
> Update Details:
> Metrics "Logons Per Sec" is at 149.676
> Incident created by rule (Name = MTC_MECC_DMAS Incident All
> Targets, Create incident for critical metric alerts; Owner = SYSMAN).
> On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman
> <
> <><
> <>>> wrote:
> Can you please paste the alert you receive, editing out andy
> company Info here? The alert contains the data to isolate the metric.
> Thank you,
> Kellyn
> On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 2:16 PM Ashoke Mandal
> <
> <><
> <>>> wrote:
> I have disabled the entire Throughput Metric (containing
> Cumulative Logons Per Sec) but it doesn't help and still receiving
> too many alerts on Metrics "Logons Per Sec".
> I am still looking for help on how to turn off this alert.
> Thanks,
> Ashoke
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Ashoke Mandal
> <
> <><
> <>>> wrote:
> Hello Kellyn and Mladen, Thanks for your reply.
> So far I found out Throughput Metric and that has Cumulative
> Logons Per Sec. I have disabled the entire Throughput Metric and
> will see if that stops this warning alert.
> under Oracle Database -> Monitoring -> All Metrics -> Throughput
> Ashoke
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Mladen Gogala
> <
> <><
> <>>> wrote:
> The most probable cause is having both OEM with Grid Control DB
> and a local EM running.
> Regards
> On Fri, 22 Dec 2017 09:43:32 -0600
> Ashoke Mandal <
> <><
> <>>> wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I have migrated some of our databases from OEM 11g to OEM 12c
> (
> > It working OK but getting too many extra warning like this.
> >
> > EM Event:
> <><
> <>> - Metrics "Logons Per Sec" is
> > at 105.409
> >
> >
> > I would like to disable this but not able to locate the related
> metric in
> > 12c OEM console.
> >
> > I logged into the database via OEM 12C and checked under the
> following area
> > but not able to find the Metrics "Logons Per Sec" .
> >
> > Oracle Database -> Monitoring -> Metric and collection settings
> >
> > Oracle Database -> Monitoring -> All Metrics
> >
> > Any help will be highly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ashoke
> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Oracle DBA
> Tel: (347) 321-1217
> <tel:%28347%29%20321-1217><tel:%28347%29%20321-1217>
> --
> <>
> [Kellyn Pot'Vin on <>]
> Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman
> <>
> --
> <>
-- on Wed Dec 27 2017 - 18:00:04 CET