Re: Another License Review
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 15:07:25 -0500
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Hi Andrew, I don't think that Oracle licensing is fair or that their business practices are fully acceptable. However, Postgres is not a candidate to replace Oracle. The other commercial DB vendors are much better candidates. There is an old platitude which says that you always get what you pay for. That applies to Postgres as well. Remember that Postgres guy who came to this group and had the temerity to state that "hints are bugs in the optimizer"? He is one of the pillar members of the Postgres community. With such an attitude of their developers, Postgres will go nowhere soon. Funny thing is that Postgres already has a plugin which supports hints. That plugin was, of course, not developed by Postgres community and is very much frowned upon. For details, see here:
On 11/06/2017 09:42 AM, Andrew Kerber wrote:
> I suppose you can argue that licensing is fair. But their enforcement
> has a habit of demanding that you pay for more licenses than you are
> actually required to pay for. There have been occasions when Oracle
> claimed that their (now former) customers were required to license
> every single server that could connect to the SAN that had an Oracle
> installation on one of its luns. This of course was not only not
> required by their licensing rules, but absolutely outrageous.
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA Tel: (347) 321-1217 -- on Mon Nov 06 2017 - 21:07:25 CET