Re: Anyone Using In-Memory?
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2017 12:36:21 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Hi Scott,
I haven't yet seen a customer using it. I've played with it a bit, using demo schemas and it seems to work well. However, I haven't done any extensive testing of a real world application. The word "played" is the operative word here. My impression is that in-memory caching makes the most sense for low cardinality columns, i.e. the columns with small number of distinct values like the gender column.
The problem is the price and the fact that the same capability is available form DB2 10+, SQL Server 2016 or MariaDB at much lower price. This capability is great if you're building a data warehouse. The first database which came up with that technology was DB2 with its "Blu Acceleration", almost a full year before Oracle. DB2 on Linux is now on version 11, the technology has matured and is now very reliable.
On 10/30/2017 01:49 PM, Scott Canaan wrote:
> I’ve been asked to look into the In-Memory option. One of our
> customers attended a webinar for a BI tool (Looker) that uses a
> columnar database for quick analytics of data. Instead of trying to
> move data from Oracle to another database, we’d prefer to try it using
> In-Memory. Has anyone played with this? Is it all it’s advertised?
> Is it difficult to use?
> We are on Oracle
> Thank you,
> Scott Canaan ’88 ( <>)
> (585) 475-7886 – work (585) 339-8659 – cell
> “Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it depends on what you put
> into it.” – Tom Lehrer
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA Tel: (347) 321-1217 -- on Wed Nov 01 2017 - 17:36:21 CET