RE: Anyone Using In-Memory?
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2017 07:08:47 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Hi Scott
> Has anyone played with this?
Yes. Actually, I spent quite a lot of time with it, i.e. more than just "playing" ;-). That said, I don't have many customers using it. You'll not get tons of replies...
> Is it difficult to use?
Basically, no. But, as always, details might be important. A good example of that is described in this blog post<>. It was written by a colleague of mine based on a non-obvious problem that we hit by one of our customer's implementation.
So, when correctly used, the performance improvements can be huge. But, understanding how it works is important.
> We are on Oracle
I would strongly advise you to do a PoC with 12.2. So many improvements were implemented in 12.2 that, IMO, should no longer be considered for In-Memory deployments... remember, was the very first release of In-Memory.
Chris Antognini
Troubleshooting Oracle Performance, Apress 2008/2014
-- on Wed Nov 01 2017 - 08:08:47 CET