Re: Replay of Log Miner SQL_UNDO fails with ORA-00001

From: Rich J <>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 11:03:48 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On 2017/10/20 08:41, Rich J wrote:

> Since it's >1.2M rows (eep!), I pull the 160MB of results into (the excellent!) EM Editor, sort SCN descending, drop the SCN column and save the text file. Executing those SQLs in SQL*Plus (without COMMITs), it fails after 530K statements with ORA-00001 unique constraint error on an INSERT.

I found it. All statements in SQL_UNDO refer to the ROWID, which would likely change with rows that have been previously INSERTed. So any "undo" DELETE...WHERE pk='keyinfo' AND ROWID='AAA...' statements will fail, causing the next INSERT of the same record info to pop the ORA-1 error.

I like caffeine.


Received on Fri Oct 20 2017 - 18:03:48 CEST

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