Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2017 15:54:44 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Actually, stack is not shared. Stack is a part of each process address
space. And I am not at all sure that some global values for the process
are not pushed to the stack, which would technically make them a part of
PGA. And as for quotes around bss, that is a real segment, at least for
the Unix/Linux implementations.
BSS is also not shared, because it contains initial values of statically
allocated variables, which can probably differ from process to process.
I have to confess that I am not quite sure about .bss being shared or not.
On 10/09/2017 03:41 PM, Tim Gorman wrote:
> "Untunable" does not refer to different types of memory image segment
> such as code, stack, and "bss", because canceling calls or killing
> processes will not reduce the usage of code/text and shared memory on
> the system. Those types of memory are shared amongst processes, so it
> would be necessary to kill *all* processes using that code/text
> segment or shared memory segment in order to see memory utilization
> begin to decrease.
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA Tel: (347) 321-1217 -- on Mon Oct 09 2017 - 21:54:44 CEST