Re: Is the AWS support for Oracle enough good?
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2017 15:21:35 -0400
Message-ID: <>
How does oracle on Amazon AWS compare to Oracle cloud?
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <> wrote:
> I'm sorry I didn't that with that intention, but I'm asking why when is
> convenient for you, you take as a joke and when is not convenient for you,
> you play with guilty, these means to assume people does thing with bad
> intention.
> If you want to make jokes you must accept things with sense of humor,
> Remembering your mails, me and other people could take that attitude and
> act in that way, but I think you must mature.
> I'll not repeat the joke if you take in that way any way, because is not
> my intention to hurt or fault the respect to anyone in this forum.
> Greetings and sorry again :)
> 2017-09-25 15:08 GMT-04:00 Mladen Gogala <>:
>> My father died on December the 3rd 2011, two day after his 80th birthday
>> and you are definitely not him. No matter how irked you may be by my post,
>> dragging someone's family through the public mailing list is not the way to
>> settle scores. Please refrain from such practice. I have also emailed the
>> list admin, to complain about this post. I sort of hoped that this list can
>> stay above despicable insults like this one.
>> On 09/25/2017 01:24 PM, Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco wrote:
>>> Thank you Mladen I'm you father :)
>> --
>> Mladen Gogala
>> Oracle DBA
>> Tel: (347) 321-1217
-- on Thu Oct 05 2017 - 21:21:35 CEST