Big OT: Proposal to Oracle-L list, would you like to become an +Association of the +Global Change

From: Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2017 14:06:00 -0400
Message-ID: <>

First I apologize for using your time, but if you want to change the world, you are g oing to love this concept, these is like freedom, it is a global concept that exists but it is not organized. I had been on it for almost a decade, my area of specialty is strategic analysis, even when I work as developer-dba.

I'll try to be brief :)
These about small things:
if japan would have had an analysis of risks, maybe fukushima wouldn't had happen.

if in 1992, the president of korea would had apologized to black community maybe there wouldn't have a riot.

current you heard about global warming, but I ask you did you heard about a plan, to control it?

The concept is that:

The +Association of the +Global Change are groups around the world that works for the +global plan of foresigh and responsiblity for the survival of the humanity.

the +association is basically a group of people that has a requirement, maybe a change that benefit all the humanity, or locally, a country or a university; but there is that requirement.

Basically ther are groups of people who wants to change the world, geeks, the +association is a network that allows to play several games of analysis, gather information ,etc. but over real things, you could be gathering and paying information to know what other dba is doing, because any mail sent by the +association is public, but you msut pay on it.

Imagine you are a dba but has problem with medicine, then you could contact an +association of medicine and pay for information, you know that the people in the +association has a quality as people, and a spirit to help people; you can get information too about scientific equipemntn available in your country for a time, in other words it is too to make real money conecting professional.

The organization:

  • The strategic group, specialized in strategy.
  • The glboal social values, specialized in global values and relations. - The specialists, groups by speciality, from computing, medicine, cooking, etc.

If you are interested first you have to gather the spirti

 For me the president of the strategic group is Roger Stone, he play dirty, he is not ethic, but he understand the life is a game, he don't kill people, he is tolerant accept homosexuals. But he is human finally. Pay attention to this exampel, you want to control global warming, but president of shell don't want, what are you going to do:  first ask, then menace, then sabottage, finally if he don't want the only way is to kill him, but if their succesors either want, then what are you going to do a massacre?
But you could act different, with strategy, you can find some information he don't like manipulate, and respectfully get he to accept, understanding the life as a game, and focusing in the goals in a positive strategic game., you can see in netfilx his video.

For the social global values is Japan, they have very interesting values liek the fact is bad manner to show you as more important than other people. the president for me is Hajime Isayama
<>., you can se online the 35 chapter of attack on titan, if you omit the blody fact of gigants, you will see the beauty of the social values of japan, the respect to people who are not as smarter than you, the gratituted, the respect for the authority, the sacrifice to protect new generations, I think Japan represent the fuure of the society; japanese are not under a Him like Christianism, that force to be good and inhibits you, they keep their inner strenght as islands that had been at war and has to survive in the permanent wars, with a discipline that forces to be responsible with the society and with the other members of the society.

About hte specialists areas I don't know who will be.

If you are interesting and can read, currently I have clear the concept buit I must organize them,
You can read here :

Yes Mladen you can be a member, the +association try to make member people like you, because is easier to control and know what they do :) I want to change to Oracle L-list to S-list :)

I don't want what is doing Tom Kyte, but I'll like he work on it, I trust in him :), and he likes to help people.

Greetings, and thank you for reading

Received on Mon Sep 25 2017 - 20:06:00 CEST

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