Re: how to disable ACFS from starting

From: Franky Weber Faust <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 19:04:01 -0300
Message-ID: <>

Maybe that is what you need:

[+ASM2.oracle_at_srv1 ~]$ acfsroot --help ACFS-9185: Usage: acfsroot install [-h] [-s | -v | -t <0,1,2>] [-l <directory>]

ACFS-9186:  Usage: acfsroot uninstall [-h] [-s | -v | -t <0,1,2>]
ACFS-9191:  Usage: acfsroot version_check [-h] [-t <0,1,2>]
ACFS-9184:  Usage: acfsroot enable [-h] [-s | -v | -t <0,1,2>]
ACFS-9184:  Usage: acfsroot disable [-h] [-s | -v | -t <0,1,2>]

If you only wants not to mount ACFS after the clusterware startup you can do this:

[+ASM2.oracle_at_srv1 ~]$ acfsutil registry -d /filesystemname

Doing this last one you will need to mount the ACFS filesystem manually.

*Kind regards / Cordialmente / Saludos cordiales / Sincères amitiés / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Cordiali saluti,*

Franky Weber Faust
Oracle DBA
Skype: franky.faust

2017-09-15 18:12 GMT-03:00 Li Li <>:

> Hi List,
> I have a 4-node (VMs on ESXi 6) RAC running on RHEL 6.9.
> Yesterday I added a 1 TB of space to the nodes, created an ASM disk group
> on the space, created a volume, then an ACFS filesystem. all appears to
> work fine. Then someone rebooted 2 of the 4 nodes, both nodes/VMs went to
> "suspend" mode in VMware. From the VM console, I see it hangs with below
> messages until it goes to "suspend" mode:
> Unknown ioctl 4712
> Unknown ioctl -2146954638 <(21)%204695-4638>
> I can now bring the server back up by disabling ohasd from starting, but
> once I start ohasd, the VM eventually hangs and goes to suspend mode. All
> my instances on both the VMs are down now, is there a way to disable ACFS
> from starting when starting the clusterware stack? I googled but couldn't
> find much info. Any suggestions or comments?
> Thanks for your help!
> -Li

Received on Sat Sep 16 2017 - 00:04:01 CEST

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