Re: awrextr

From: Wilhelm Klotz <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2017 08:50:33 +0200
Message-ID: <>

You do not need to run the reports. awrextr extracts all of the awr data, when you need it then you import it back to a database and run the required reports.




Von: "Cee Pee" <> An:
Datum: 09/12/17 03:27
Betreff: awrextr

Trying to extract lots of data from a multinode RAC prod system using awrextr. I want to know if I need to run the report from every node for the same period. For some reason I am unable to find answer for that in the manuals or online. I am assuming one run from one node is enough, can someone pl confirm.


-- Received on Tue Sep 12 2017 - 08:50:33 CEST

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