Upgrading Grid and RDBMS after a software only install
From: Luis Santos <lsantos_at_pobox.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 12:02:39 -0300
Message-ID: <CAPWdmV8mmPeWR0-pr6UAnAxrzrDY=PKd-SPHmfJ=G=WfuwDHgQ_at_mail.gmail.com>
We have a database and Grid installed on one machine, both from version. There is no RAC, it´s a Grid single instance environment (aka Oracle Restart).
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 12:02:39 -0300
Message-ID: <CAPWdmV8mmPeWR0-pr6UAnAxrzrDY=PKd-SPHmfJ=G=WfuwDHgQ_at_mail.gmail.com>
We have a database and Grid installed on one machine, both from version. There is no RAC, it´s a Grid single instance environment (aka Oracle Restart).
We need to upgrade both RDBMS and Grid to version. And we decided install (while everything is up), both version for Grid and Database.
I´m used to perform this task easily for RDBMS. Just perform a software only version while RDBMS is up and, in the upgrade window, I run the dbua.
But I can´t find the exacly counterpart for the Grid. When I install the Grid software I can choose for Install and Upgrade ASM or a Software Only install.
How can I upgraded ASM (using an assistent, not command line) after a software only Grid install? Which is the 'dbua' for ASM?
*Luis Santos*
--http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-l Received on Wed Aug 30 2017 - 17:02:39 CEST