RE: ORA-600 after July PSU apply -- production down.
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 15:49:17 +0000
Message-ID: <27846_1503589767_599EF587_27846_5884_1_ECDEF0CC6716EC4596FCBC871F48292AB18CD334_at_ZRH-S231>
P.S. I saw later that startup nomount is failing, which excludes the "show parameter" in sqlplus. But the process could be trussed instead, to obtain the path to the spfile.
From: [] On Behalf Of Noveljic Nenad
Sent: Donnerstag, 24. August 2017 17:44
To: '';;
Subject: RE: ORA-600 after July PSU apply -- production down.
Please apologize my the trivial suggestion, but could you double check that correct init/spfile is being picked (correct directory, no typo in file name). Verify also with show parameter file in sqlplus which file is used.
From:<> [] On Behalf Of De DBA
Sent: Donnerstag, 24. August 2017 17:33
Subject: Re: ORA-600 after July PSU apply -- production down.
Even starting in nomount mode gives ORA-600.
I just attempted to create a dummy instance with a init.ora file with only 1 line in it (db_name = ORCL) - no ASM, no spfile in play. Starting that also failed with the same ORA-600 [kgfmGetCtx0].
On 25/08/17 01:11, Powell, Mark wrote:
>> ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters <<
Have you in fact verified that your spfile parameters are in fact valid? Startup nomount and full the spfile into a pfile then review it carefully.
Mark Powell
Database Administration
(313) 592-5148
From:<> <><> on behalf of De DBA <><> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 10:51:24 AM To:<> Subject: ORA-600 after July PSU apply -- production down.
I've tonight applied the July PSU to the last environment - production. All other environments, including DR, went swimmingly, but after applying the patches when I tried to startup upgrade to apply the in-database part, I was regaled with the following fine errors on both nodes:
00:28:52 [25-AUG-17][SYS_at_MyProd]$ startup upgrade
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kgfmGetCtx0], [kgfm.c], [2840], [ctx], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
The parameter files of course do still exist. The MOS lookup tool has no information and my 24/7 db is down. Any clues?
I've already attempted to roll-back the OCW part, but that had no effect. Although now opatch lsinventory no longer lists the original version of that patch ( either.
ODA X4-2
Database PSU
OCW PSU - no longer shown
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-- on Thu Aug 24 2017 - 17:49:17 CEST