RE: Database Archiving
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 22:12:41 +0000
Message-ID: <>
We are doing Option #1 below. The archival process runs every hour to archive data to archive schema.
From: [] On Behalf Of Vishalaksha Vyas
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 2:32 PM
I am working on a database archiving project and using a tool that will handle the data transfer between source and target based on the rules and constraints specified. This tool is not for data life cycle management but just a handle to transfer the data.
The tool will use the DB links to transfer the data between the source and archive database.
Having said that I need some suggestions here in choosing a suitable option for archival database location.
FYI: Oracle application is hosted by Oracle at a different location. Servers are not on-premise.
Options are:
2.Preferred solution: Same server for both source and target but both will be on different databases. Data will be moved from source database to archive database and both the databases will sit on the same server.
3. Least preferred solution:- Source on one database server and archive database on a different server out of the Oracle virtual network. Archive database will be on-premise. Expecting large delays for data transfer because of the two server locations.
There are pros and cons of these options and I want the expert advice here if anyone has experience in this area. Any other suggestions for database archiving are also welcome.
Thanks & Regards
Subject: Database Archiving
Vishalaksha Vyas
Received on Thu Aug 24 2017 - 00:12:41 CEST