Re: Oracle RAC multiple Nic for Private network vs interconnect bonding
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2017 19:37:45 +0200 (CEST)
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Hello Sanjay,
yes, several of my clients are using HAIP and it works pretty good. However there is an important detail if you want to switch from bonding to HAIP (MOS ID #1210883.1).
If using the (and above) Redundant Interconnect/HAIP feature (as documented in CASE 2 below) - At present it is REQUIRED that all interconnect interfaces be placed on separate subnets. If the interfaces are all on the same subnet and the cable is pulled from the first NIC in the routing table a rebootless-restart or node reboot will occur.
Best Regards
Stefan Koehler
Independent Oracle performance consultant and researcher
Twitter: _at_OracleSK
> Sanjay Mishra <> hat am 21. August 2017 um 19:04 geschrieben:
> Hi
> Can someone share his experience in using multiple NIC for Private network and therby focing Oracle to use multiple HAIP vs interconnect bonding. I had RAC setup where OS level Private network Bonding is not failing over due to one issue on NIC and causing Oracle cluster to bounce the node. This happen several time and so checking Oracle Docs that says that 11g(11.2) onwards it is recommended to use multiple nic and details from DOc is
> "With Redundant Interconnect Usage, you can identify multiple interfaces to use for the cluster private network, without the need of using bonding or other technologies. This functionality is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( If you use the Oracle Clusterware Redundant Interconnect feature, then you must use IPv4 addresses for the interfaces.
> When you define multiple interfaces, Oracle Clusterware creates from one to four highly available IP (HAIP) addresses. Oracle RAC and Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instances use these interface addresses to ensure highly available, load-balanced interface communication between nodes. The installer enables Redundant Interconnect Usage to provide a high availability private network.
> By default, Oracle Grid Infrastructure software uses all of the HAIP addresses for private network communication, providing load-balancing across the set of interfaces you identify for the private network. If a private interconnect interface fails or become non-communicative, then Oracle Clusterware transparently moves the corresponding HAIP address to one of the remaining functional interfaces."
> So want to check is someone is using and share the experience
> Sanjay
-- on Mon Aug 21 2017 - 19:37:45 CEST