Re: Anyone using Real Application Testing? Quick question for you
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 04:36:39 +0000
Message-ID: <>
RAT is doing work. If your production server is severely overloaded, running RAT will make things worse.
It's your judgement as to whether your put up with the additional workload in order to test a platform migration that will presumably make things better.
How much worse? Couldn't say, but a few percent probably.
On Wed, 9 Aug 2017, 18:50 Chris Taylor, <> wrote:
> Is there any additional load on the Prod db if you're capturing workloads
> to replay on another database?
> Let's say our Prod box is CPU bound (severely) - would RAT worsen that, or
> does it somehow manage to capture the workloads without adding additional
> load the source server? I'm guessing it does but want to confirm.
> Chris
> --
-- on Fri Aug 11 2017 - 06:36:39 CEST