RE: tabs, connections, and resulting sessions from sqldeveloper
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:11:43 -0400
Message-ID: <130701d2e5d8$efad3bd0$cf07b370$>
Nice idea. Perhaps that is a trivial way to implement the mode I just suggested.
From: Hemant K Chitale []
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 5:01 AM
Subject: RE: tabs, connections, and resulting sessions from sqldeveloper
You "hold and reserve" those PX Server processes until you either (a) fetch *all* the rows or (b) run another, preferably, non-PQ statement.
I tell me developers to run select 'x' from dual if they aren't fetching all the rows.
Hemant K Chitale
Sent from my smartphone
On 15 Jun 2017 05:14, "Mark W. Farnham" <> wrote:
Thanks my friend.
One side issue, which I just want to make sure I understand correctly specifically for sqldev: When you actually fire a query and get back the first 50 row (default) and then do nothing on that screen, is it correct if perchance the query was fired at, say, parallel(32), then those parallel server producers and consumers will still be there waiting for the user to take some action such as getting the next “50” or ending the query.
Other than by timeout, I don’t see how Oracle could close those “servers” at least until they have queued up all the rows that eventuate, and possibly not even then.
If this is a figment of my imagination, that is fine. Otherwise, though, I’ll need to explain to some folks that opening a couple dozen tabs as private connections, firing a like number of parallel queries and then walking away for an hour or two is not a peachy keen idea.
TIA, mwf
From: [] On Behalf Of Jeff Smith
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 3:09 PM
Subject: RE: tabs, connections, and resulting sessions from sqldeveloper
Each connection results in 2 actual connections.
One for reports, the browser/tree, and the worksheet.
A second one for bg queries used to power things like the Insight feature in the SQL Workheet.
If you open an ‘unshared’ worksheet to a database – it opens a private connection for just that worksheet that the rest of the product doesn’t have access to. I’m not sure if unshared worksheets also get the 2nd connection for insight feature. But with unshared worksheets, each additional worksheet would result in an additional connection.
From: Mark W. Farnham []
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 9:04 AM
Subject: tabs, connections, and resulting sessions from sqldeveloper
Anyone, but Jeff it you’re lurking in particular: Is there a simple document summarizing the relationship of database connections, tabs, running queries, and so forth from sqldeveloper to the number of sessions created and held?
(Hint: I’m looking for something shorter than reading the entire concepts guide. The target readership is impatient, would be well-served by reading the entire concepts document, but that is unlikely to happen.)
-- on Thu Jun 15 2017 - 15:11:43 CEST