RE: Data pump run as sysdba
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 21:25:35 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Jeff Smith says:
> Try to run as SYS and see what happens.
> SQLDev will prevent you from doing so b/c of ‘unexpected’ behavior.
> The data dictionary perspective changes drastically when going in as SYSDBA.
We sometimes run data pump export and import as sys and never have issues. Do you know what the different changes in data dictionary or unexpected behaviors are? That's the very reason I'm posting a question here. For example, my old note has this:"exp [with consistent=y option] runs set transaction read only at the beginning of the session, which is silently ignored if the login user is SYS or any user with sysdba privilege." That's the kind of details I'd like to have. Thanks to Hemant Chitale who also pointed that out. I'm interested in more of such details.
Yong Huang
-- on Mon Jun 12 2017 - 23:25:35 CEST