Re: database of blobs

From: Stefan Knecht <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 01:54:41 +0700
Message-ID: <>

Do note that compressing securefiles requires the advanced compression option license. It's not "free" with EE.

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 3:48 AM, Jeff Chirco <> wrote:

> Thanks for your input. Correct in that we have additional information
> stored with the LOB that helps for the applications. When we first started
> with this project one of the applications ran from Citrix and didn't have
> access to a shared folder to store the images so putting it in the database
> was easier. But yeah having to manage the backups for this is annoying. I
> am going to attempt to partition the table more so I can evntually mark
> certain tablespaces as read only so they don't have to get backed up with
> regular fulls. I also will look into compressing with securefiles. Thanks!
> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 1:27 AM, Gerald Venzl <>
> wrote:
>> The design seems solid. In this scenario databases are often used to make
>> the documents searchable via the metadata that is stored in the table next
>> to the LOB, e.g customer, creation date, doc type, etc.
>> Securefiles allow you to compress the LOB to save more disk space.
>> You may want to partition on the creation date or something similar,
>> assuming that those files are queried less when they get older. Then you
>> can put an ILM strategy in place if you ever have to (compress older files
>> with a higher compression ratio, etc). The creation date can be even
>> defaulted to SYSDATE so that you don't have to worry about changing the
>> INSERT statements.
>> And, you may want to move to bigfile tablespaces. Nothing wrong with
>> smallfile tablespaces, bigfile tablespaces just make the datafile
>> management a bit easier.
>> Thx,
>> Gerald
>> On Jun 7, 2017, at 01:02, Jeff Chirco <> wrote:
>> Yes they are securelob file
>> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 12:05 PM, Michael McMullen <>
>> wrote:
>>> Are you blobs stored as securefile lobs?
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* <>
>>> on behalf of Jeff Chirco <>
>>> *Sent:* June 5, 2017 7:22 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* database of blobs
>>> Sort of a design question here. I have a database that is only used to
>>> store documents or images in a blob field. This is mostly scanned copies of
>>> invoices or employee records as pdf's or jpeg images of pictures from some
>>> of our custom applications. Again all of these are stored in the same table
>>> as a blob field. These blob's are currently 840gb in size in a small file
>>> tablespace that currently has 27 datafiles that are 32gb. I potentially
>>> have the opportunity to reorganize this database and or table during an
>>> upcoming migration from -> and also moving Windows ->
>>> Linux.
>>> So I don't really have a direct question here but just wondering what
>>> anybody things about this, or is there something I might want to think
>>> about as this table grows, or maybe a better way to organize it. I thought
>>> about maybe partitioning it somehow but it doesn't seem like there is a
>>> logical way to partition it. Also there are no performance issues as all
>>> this database does is save and retrieve images.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeff

Received on Thu Jun 08 2017 - 20:54:41 CEST

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