Re: Query Performance with params

From: Stefan Koehler <>
Date: Mon, 1 May 2017 08:29:52 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <>

Hey Mladen,

> The optimizer in 12.1 is almost completely rewritten, there are bound to be some bugs.

Please tell us more about that. I know that Oracle has completely re-engineered / re-written some transformations like star-transformation in the past but that Oracle has re-written most of the optimizer in 12.1 is new (quite apart from the fact that nothing would justify the time and costs of this).

Thank you.

P.S.: If you mean all of the adaptive features - most of it is happening in the run-time engine code (e.g. statistics collector, etc.) and not in the optimizer code (e.g. inflection point). Dynamic Sampling (in case of SPDs / ADS) is nothing really new - just a "tiny" extension to the existing DS code.  

Best Regards
Stefan Koehler

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> Mladen Gogala <> hat am 30. April 2017 um 19:04 geschrieben:
> On 04/30/2017 12:42 PM, Thomas Roach wrote:
> > > If it's 12.1, then if you are going to set any parameter outside of defaults, it would be optimizer_features_enable back to
> > > That's usually when people throw in the towel if they can't figure it out otherwise.
> >
> >
> > > That will not do much for you. OFE will set up some constants to their values, but the optimizer code will still be the code from
> > > version 12. There are no shortcuts. My usual advice to the customers is to wait for the first major patch set of the version 12.2 to upgrade
> > > and not to upgrade to 12.1. The optimizer in 12.1 is almost completely rewritten, there are bound to be some bugs. Those bugs usually get
> > > polished in the second edition. That was the case with 11.1, although was almost unusable. Somebody on this group has even recently
> > > called a "buggy cesspool". The new versions are so complex and have so many interacting features that it has become extremely hard to
> > > write something that will not be buggy.

Received on Mon May 01 2017 - 08:29:52 CEST

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