Re: Moving Oracle RAC VMs from Linux to Windows
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 13:47:41 +0530
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Thomas.
Unfortunately, this is for a Linux host. I have gone through this and also
the updated article which describes OLE 6.3.
My issue is porting the "RAC Virtual Boxes" from Linux to Windows. How do
we "re-attach" the existing Linux ASM virtual disks to Windows?
Best Wishes,
On 24 April 2017 at 13:23, Thomas Roach <> wrote:
> See if these commands will work on Windows. They should?
> rac-installation-on-oel5-using-virtualbox#create_shared_disks
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 24, 2017, at 3:29 AM, Anand Rao <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have setup an Oracle 11g R2 RAC on two OLE 6.3 nodes using VirtualBox
> 5.1. The host OS is OLE 7.1 and the test setup was just using a single hard
> disk.
> Managed to export the VMs from OLE 7.1 and import them to my laptop which
> runs Windows 10.
> After some changes to the settings, the OS did boot but CRS failed which i
> think is due to the ASM disks. Checked the CRS logs, etc. and it was indeed
> the "missing "voting disks.
> On my Linux Host (OLE 7.1), the ASM disks were /dev/asm-disk1 and so on.
> On Windows they are named ASM-disk1.vmdk and so on.
> I did try to remove and add shareable storage in VirtualBox on Windows but
> i think something is missing here. The shareable storage from Windows is
> not being pickup by the OLE 6.3 Virtual Host.
> Does anybody know how to make these "virtual ASM disks" shareable so that
> Linux can see it? Is there a guide i can follow to setup a Windows based VM
> for Oracle 11g RAC?
> I am just hoping that I can reuse the whole setup as it is.
> Thanks,
> Anand
-- on Mon Apr 24 2017 - 10:17:41 CEST