Moving Oracle RAC VMs from Linux to Windows
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 12:59:39 +0530
Message-ID: <>
I have setup an Oracle 11g R2 RAC on two OLE 6.3 nodes using VirtualBox
5.1. The host OS is OLE 7.1 and the test setup was just using a single hard
Managed to export the VMs from OLE 7.1 and import them to my laptop which
runs Windows 10.
After some changes to the settings, the OS did boot but CRS failed which i
think is due to the ASM disks. Checked the CRS logs, etc. and it was indeed
the "missing "voting disks.
On my Linux Host (OLE 7.1), the ASM disks were /dev/asm-disk1 and so on. On
Windows they are named ASM-disk1.vmdk and so on.
I did try to remove and add shareable storage in VirtualBox on Windows but
i think something is missing here. The shareable storage from Windows is
Does anybody know how to make these "virtual ASM disks" shareable so that Linux can see it? Is there a guide i can follow to setup a Windows based VM for Oracle 11g RAC?
I am just hoping that I can reuse the whole setup as it is.
-- on Mon Apr 24 2017 - 09:29:39 CEST