Re: Podcast
From: Jeremy Schneider <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 09:26:47 +0300
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 09:26:47 +0300
Message-ID: <>
On Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:32:24 -0500 William Blanchard wrote:
> I'm not sure about you but I enjoy listening to podcasts. I find
> it's a great way to stay up to date and can listen to them on my
> daily commute. The problem? There aren't any good Oracle podcasts
> (that I have found) for DBAs. To that end, I am announcing that
> beginning next month I will be creating a bi-weekly Oracle DBA
> podcast. I'm still working out how I will be distributing the
> podcast (Youtube, etc.) as well as the specific format. Here is my
> initial thought:
Nice! I also listen to podcasts a lot and having an Oracle DBA centric podcast sounds like a great idea! I'll definitely give a listen once you put something together!
-- ## BAZ (baz) 1. The third metasyntactic variable, after FOO and BAR. 2. interjection. Term of mild annoyance. In this usage the pro- nunciation is often drawn out for two or three seconds, sometimes sounding like the bleating of a sheep: "Baaaaaaaaaaz!" - The Hacker's Dictionary (Steele-1983) -- on Wed Apr 19 2017 - 08:26:47 CEST