Whether to use AFD (ASM Filter Driver) in 12c
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 20:52:36 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <1062999628.2371507.1489697556678_at_mail.yahoo.com>
According to
"The [12c] Oracle ASM Filter Driver rejects any I/O requests that are invalid. This action eliminates accidental overwrites of Oracle ASM disks that would cause corruption in the disks and files within the disk group. For example, the Oracle ASM Filter Driver filters out all non-Oracle I/Os which could cause accidental overwrites."
That sounds like a good feature to a shop where such risk is not negligible. But just like ASMLib, AFD relies on a kernel module, which may be a hassel with frequent kernel update. I'm guessing people using ASMLib will continue with AFD and those withour ASMLib will ignore AFD. What's your opinion of it? Is the benefit worth all possible issues?
Yong Huang
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