Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 14:26:36 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Ok, I have a monitoring product that I am trying to connect to an oracle instance. In test it works great. The monitoring product needs the server-name, the instance-name and port with a userid/password.
In production, we use HP Serviceguard for HA/failover capabilities. So there is a hierarchy of service name for both servers and service name for each server.
So: is the hierarchy name, (currently the primary server)
When I put in server-name(either proddb or proddb02) , instance-name, port and userid/password, it doesn't fail the monitor verification but I get an error saying that it is an invalid userid/password.
I tested the userid and password right on the server and it works fine.
I tried it in several different combinations and sometimes it fails verification right away saying ORA-12154:TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified So I get that part knowing some combinations are definitely wrong. But what is confusing is when it passes verification but can't connect. And again, I have tested the userid and password, so it's not that.
Any ideas?
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Received on Mon Jan 09 2017 - 15:26:36 CET