Re: Oracle DBA to SQL Server DBA?

From: David Ramírez Reyes <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 07:29:22 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Although I've been an Oracle DBA for some years (about 8), I had the opportunity to learn SQL Server as Administrator on my previous company (the "big" Manufacturing DB's were running on Oracle, the "small" on SQL Server); now I handle both and that was the key for having my current job.

Some months ago I was on a process of moving to another company because of several things, then on the company I worked decided to look around for another DBA who could cover my position and it was very difficult to find (at least in Mexico); there are many people with much more experience and knowledge on Oracle than me, but low experience on SQL Server and the opposite of course; they finnally had no other option than give me a better offer so I decided to stay.

SQL Server has been growing a lot on the last 10 years, becomming a serious competitor to Oracle (now not only on the license cost side, but also on functionalily), and now that they are starting with a version for Linux, they are entering to a new world with lots of possibilities (although the will take some years to become a real DB competitor running on Linux).

For now, the salaries for SQL Server are still lower than Oracle, but the difference is getting closer, probably in a couple of years they can become the same; some years ago, a SQL Server DBA was not really a demanded role because most of the basic DBA activities were performed by Developers, now things are changing.

That's my own experience, of course.


David Ramírez Reyes
Profesión: Padre de Familia y DBA en mis ratos libres Profession: Parent and DBA in my spare time

On 4 January 2017 at 05:01, Dragutin Jastrebic <> wrote:

> Hello List,
> Since recently they were 2 similar discussions
> I would like to start this one and hear your opinions about it.
> Dragutin

Received on Wed Jan 04 2017 - 14:29:22 CET

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