Re: suddenly direct path read from small tables
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 22:37:27 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <>
Hi Samuel,
If all of these steps are correct then your root cause is somewhere in step 2. Now the question would be - what kind of storage problem did you have?
Was it a storage downtime, corruption or performance problem? Did you gather system statistics during this storage issue period by chance? Do your
problematic SQLs use PX?
Best Regards
Freelance Oracle performance consultant and researcher
> samuel guiñales cristobal <> hat am 23. Oktober 2016 um 20:31 geschrieben:
not quite sure, if i get your scenario right as you mix / talk about two different things. So please let me get it right first.
Stefan Koehler
Twitter: _at_OracleSK
> Hi all,
> Recently we suffer a storage problem in RAC, all instances down.
> After recover, detected high "direct path read" from some
> small tables in some data bases, OS I/O wait 20-40%, hard performance problem.
> Rebuilding indexes and runing statistics in this tables not solve problem.
> execution plan changed to do Full table scan and index not used like before.
> maybe optimizer not involve and is parameter _small_table_threshold?
> but why now start psyh reads?
> some info of one database and workaround :
> version............................................:
> OS....................................................: Linux x86-64
> info: no tunning and diagnostic pack
> _small_table_threshold..............: 29022
> Table with high psy rds.(almos all, 95%)
> -Table size................: 273M
> -Table block num .....: 34730
> db memory buffers............................ : 1451136
> we apply workaround,we fake table stats so it looks like that there’s only 20K blocks for that table so avoid phy reads:
> EXEC DBMS_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS('user','table_name',numblks=>20000);
> any idea to solve that FTS? why after storage problem?
> Regards
> ---
> Samuel Guiñales Cristobal < >
> «Que tu alimento sea tu medicina, y la medicina tu alimento.» Hipócrates
Received on Sun Oct 23 2016 - 22:37:27 CEST