Re: CommVault error
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 16:34:06 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Hi Sandy,
Where is your snapshot control file? Can you share "show all" output
from RMAN?
On 09/26/2016 01:40 PM, Sandra Becker wrote:
> Oracle 12c (Exadata)
> CommVault 11
> Let me start with CommVault is new at our shop. I have been waiting
> for a couple of hours for my CV admins to get back to me and thought I
> would see if anyone on the list had a clue what is going on.
> Over the past month I have been setting up clients and
> testing/scheduling backups in CV for several dev/test and production
> databases. All was working well (mostly) until today. My backups are
> failing with the following error:
> >>
> Error Code: [18:106] Description: RMAN Script execution failed with
> error [RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 09/26/2016]. Please
> check the Logs for more details. Source: <machine_name>, Process:
> ClOraAgent
> <<
> I looked at the RMAN log and it had a line about the controlfile may
> not be on shared storage. These are 2-node RAC systems and I verified
> the controlfile is indeed on ASM and visible to instances on both
> nodes. The one response I got from one of the CV admins indicated he
> thought it was an oracle error, which I told him it wasn't. He has
> decided he needs to open a ticket with CV support. This is not the
> first time we've had this error, although it is the first on these
> databases. I go through the same process every time telling them it
> isn't an oracle error.
> Any ideas what caused this error? I've got an 18T database I need to
> get backed up as soon as possible, but the admins don't seem to have a
> clue what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thank you.
> --
> Sandy B.
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA Tel: (347) 321-1217 -- on Mon Sep 26 2016 - 22:34:06 CEST