Re: Maintaining Advanced Queue IOT/Index Objects: _aq_tm_scanlimit
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 17:13:17 +0000
Message-ID: <TU4PR84MB0206058C2B39E2A26BBA633ACCF90_at_TU4PR84MB0206.NAMPRD84.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Being that the general rule is to set an underbar parameter only in consultation with Oracle support I suggest you open an SR first. Also see the following support note: Bug 13108444 - ORA-600 [kcbgtcr_1a] in QMON slave process (Doc ID 13108444.8)
which can result from a non-zero setting for this parameter.
From: <> on behalf of <> Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2016 1:39:01 PM To: Oracle-L Group
Subject: Maintaining Advanced Queue IOT/Index Objects: _aq_tm_scanlimit
Our application relies heavily on use of Oracle AQ feature. Any attempt to coalesce, rebuild, or shrink these queue objects is faced with ORA-00054: resource busy. Stopping the queues is not an option.
We are considering having the QMON process take charge of this garbage collection automatically by setting '_aq_tm_scanlimit' to non-zero value.
I have seen no authoritative description notes for this parameter on MOS, Google, or anywhere. The single note I found indicated this parameter accepts a number to set scanlimit on time managers. Not sure though, is this a counter or time limit and how to verify the effect of altering it e.g. view, process limit,etc.
Thank you
Received on Tue Sep 06 2016 - 19:13:17 CEST