Re: TTS Self-contained restriction workaround
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 17:07:12 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Ours is so these bugs probably don't apply.
Object count in test is about 3.5M vs prod having 5.7M. Without going into why there are so many, is there any option to make the TS metadata import go faster?
We're already looking into forming groups of TSs that are self-contained and run them concurrently in separate sessions, kind of doing parallel manually.
> On Jun 28, 2016, at 9:18 AM, Powell, Mark <> wrote:
> while I think skipping the statistics as previously suggested will probably help greatly there are the two following bug reprots for and that may be if interest
> - -
> Bug 12728995 - EXPDP slow while taking metadata export for transportable tablespace (Doc ID 12728995.8)
> Bug 15898478 - Transport EXPDP slow during TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK (Doc ID 15898478.8)
> ________________________________
> From: <> on behalf of Chitale, Hemant K <>
> Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 10:04:01 PM
> To: Oracle-l Digest Users
> Subject: RE: TTS Self-contained restriction workaround
> MetaData export time is a function of the number and types of database objects in those schemas. The size of the Production Database vis-a-vis the Test Database should not have a material difference on the export time if both databases have the same objects in those schemas. (A Table with multiple Partitions becomes multiple rows of metadata !)
> Unfortunately, PARALLEL cannot help.
> I've seen Oracle EBusiness Suite MetaData Export taking as long.
> Hemant K Chitale
> From: [] On Behalf Of Deepak Sharma
> Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2016 5:44 AM
> To: Oracle-l Digest Users
> Subject: TTS Self-contained restriction workaround
> The requirements for TTS metadata export/import is that all tablespaces in a group should be self-contained.
> For example, if TS1 has a table that has a partition in TS9, then either move that table to TS1 or include TS9 in the group of tablespaces for metadata export.
> In our environment we have lots of tables that have their partitions spread across several tablespaces.
> We could include all those tablespaces in a group, but the problem is that as in example below, the TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES or TRANSPORT_DATAFILES do not allow PARALLEL degree to be set.
> And, we want to use PARALLEL just becuse these tablespaces have a lots and lots of Metadata. Without parallel it would just take several hours for the export/import.
> nohup impdp \"/ as sysdba\" parfile=migrate_tts.par > migrate_tts.log 2>&1 &
> ## migrate_tts.par
> NETWORK_LINK=ttslink
> TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/oradata/APP/APP_DATA_01.dbf','/oradata/APP/APP_IDX_01.dbf',...
> -thanks
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> --
-- on Wed Jun 29 2016 - 00:07:12 CEST