RE: 12c EMCLI help needed (I'm almost there, but not quite ...)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 14:16:09 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Hi Chris,
Try this:
select './emcli modify_threshold -target_name="'|| tms.target_name || '" -target_type="'|| tms.target_type||where tms.target_type in ('oracle_listener')
'" -metric="'|| replace(tms.metric_name,'$','\$') ||
'" -column="'|| tms.metric_column ||'" -key_columns=";" -critical_threshold="TNS-[ ]*0*(1169|1189|12508" -prevent_override="0" ' stmt ,tms.target_name,tms.target_type,tms.metric_name,tms.metric_column,tms.collection_name,tms.warning_operator,tms.warning_threshold
,tms.critical_operator,tms.critical_threshold,tms.warning_action_type,tms.warning_action_job_type,tms.warning_action_job_owner,tms.key_value from sysman.mgmt$target_metric_settings tms
and tms.metric_name = 'TNS_ERRORS'
and tms.metric_column = 'tnserrmsg'
and instr(target_name,'SCAN') = 0
order by tms.target_name;
From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:58 AM
Subject: 12c EMCLI help needed (I'm almost there, but not quite ...)
We run multiple listeners and I need to remove the TNS-1190 from each listener and I want to use EMCLI to do it.
I run this:
emcli get_threshold -target_type="oracle_listener"<>
Which gives me this:
Now, I want to use emcli to modify the threshold but I'm getting an error.
Here's what I run followed by the error - so I need to know what I should be providing as I'm stumped?
./emcli modify_threshold -target_type="oracle_listener" -metric="TNS_ERRORS : tnserrmsg" -critical_threshold="TNS-[ ]*0*(1169|1189|12508)"<>
Error: Either Metric Group or Metric Column not provided.
So I tried providing the column name:
emcli modify_threshold -target_type="oracle_listener" -metric="TNS_ERRORS : tnserrmsg" -column="Metric Internal Name" -critical_threshold="TNS-[ ]*0*(1169|1189|12508)"<>
And I get:
Error: Metric Group "TNS_ERRORS : tnserrmsg" or Metric Column "Metric Internal Name" does not exist for target type "oracle_listener"
Any helps/tips/suggestions - I can't figure out what should be for the "-metric" and the "-column" fields on this.
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-- on Tue Jun 21 2016 - 16:16:09 CEST