RE: Grid (RAC & Standalone) Unexpected Node Reboots Upon Device Path Failures
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 11:51:58 -0700
Message-ID: <00c401d1c5a4$afe369c0$0faa3d40$>
You should check your disk timeout and misscount values at the Oracle cluster level, but you should see timeout in your logs if it was related to these and long failover times at the hardware.
Matthew Parker
Chief Technologist
Dimensional DBA
425-891-7934 (cell)
D&B 047931344
<> View Matthew Parker's profile on LinkedIn <>
From: Dimensional DBA []
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 11:29 AM
To:;; 'Oracle-L Group'
Subject: RE: Grid (RAC & Standalone) Unexpected Node Reboots Upon Device Path Failures
Other generic notes.
Normally you don’t set “Queue_if_no_path “ but set “no_path_retry N “
The number can vary but a standard setting for say EMC Symmtrix with UCS is
no_path_retry 6
Matthew Parker
Chief Technologist
Dimensional DBA
425-891-7934 (cell)
D&B 047931344
<> View Matthew Parker's profile on LinkedIn <>
From: [] On Behalf Of Dimensional DBA
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 10:52 AM
Does it happen every time or sporadically?
Can you provide an example lun from your multipath.conf and what values you are using for those settings or combination of those settings since some are binary opposites of each other?
What UCS Manager version are you running and what firmware Bundle patch and on which blade type are you having problems with?
Is the error in the cluster logs and OS logs that all paths timed out?
There are a variety of failure points and each failure point had a different solution.
That includes an administrator modifying templates in UCS manager causing the nodes to reboot.
Matthew Parker
Chief Technologist
Dimensional DBA
425-891-7934 (cell)
D&B 047931344
<> View Matthew Parker's profile on LinkedIn <>
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 10:05 AM
We are experiences a perplexing issue that we have not been able to arrive at an RCA resolution. Grid nodes (can be RAC or standalone) boot unexpectedly & sporadically (not every time) when we failover a hardware component such as UCS fabric interconnect, an HBA, or a storage controller. On some systems, we also noticed filesystems going read-only.
All devices are configured with multipathing of minim of 4 paths. Multipathing is offered via EMC PowerPath or Native Linux DM-MPIO.
All nodes use 11gR2 ASM LVM, with subset using ASMLIB running on OEL 6.3-6.6 and RDBMS 11gR2
I know there is a zillion factors to consider here, but to make things simple, let’s focus on dm-mpio for now. We believe, all these symptoms related to how the software (oracle ASM or Linux LVM) reacts to the loss of a path in a multipathed setup. So we focused on multipath.conf settings that control IO path failover. Namely …
Failback immediate
Thanks all
To:; 'Oracle-L Group'
Subject: RE: Grid (RAC & Standalone) Unexpected Node Reboots Upon Device Path Failures
To: Oracle-L Group
Subject: Grid (RAC & Standalone) Unexpected Node Reboots Upon Device Path Failures
Received on Mon Jun 13 2016 - 20:51:58 CEST