Re: Why Oracle is called Oracle
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2016 21:31:42 -0300
Message-ID: <>
Delphi == TurboPascal for Windows and O/S 2
On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Mladen Gogala <> wrote:
> On 06/03/2016 04:42 PM, Robert Freeman wrote:
> I am sure that we have all heard that Oracle started with a secret project
> called Oracle… but why is the name Oracle really applicable to this RDBMS?
> How about this as a suggestion:
> Perhaps here, we have an answer to the question, why does Oracle have
> everything in it, including the kitchen sink.
> What better way to be a true black box than to include the kitchen sink… J
> I thought that it was called after the Oracle of Delphi, an early leader
> in the decision support systems who was also sometimes giving interesting
> results, just like Oracle RDBMS. Probably the most famous is the answer to
> the question what will happen if he attacks Persians by the Lydian king
> Croesus. And the Oracle replied that one great empire would fall if he
> attacked Persians. And it did: his own empire fell.
> There are more commonalities than that: Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi was
> also using SQL to deduce her prophecies. SQL, in her case, meant: Said
> Quixotically on Laurel, because she was inhaling vapors made with laurel
> leaves, which have mild hallucinogenic properties, to make her prophecies.
> During my long tenure as an Oracle DBA, I've seen many SQL statements for
> which I assumed that they must have been written using laurel leaves or
> some even stronger stuff. In my mind, there is an unbreakable connection
> between Pythia and the company in Redwood Shores, CA.
> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Oracle DBA
-- -- Patrice My profiles: [image: Facebook] <!/profile.php?id=100000206805521>[image: LinkedIn] <>[image: Twitter] <> -- on Sun Jun 05 2016 - 02:31:42 CEST