Re: tnsping phantom file
Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 12:33:38 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Have you read through Setting TNS_ADMIN Environment Variable (Doc ID 111942.1) - its quiite comprehensive about how tns_admin might be set and where windows clients might read tnsnames from. In addition I see you talk about "the app" being unable to connect despite tnsping returning correct information. It looks to me as though you will also need to determin whether the app sets the environment/uses a different oracle client etc.
On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 7:32 PM, Storey, Robert (DCSO) <> wrote:
> A simple thing, tnsping. However, its causing me much grief today.
> Troubleshooting connectivity issue and so I immediately do a tnsping from
> the client station. Tnsping returns the expected information. App still
> will not connect.
> I go look at the tnsnames.ora file and the service name does NOT exist in
> my file. Yet, the tnsping is returning the proper values for the service
> name I am asking for (which is the default service name for our app that we
> put on all computers).
> I added the service name via net manager but only setup 1 of the two ports
> we normally used. I also created a different service name (Service B) with
> the same information. Once I added the expected service name to my tnsnames
> file, the app works.
> However, a tnsping returns BOTH ports I normally configure for the service
> name. Not just the one I configured new. Tnsping of Service B returns
> just the one value.
> The screen shows me it is using the TNSNAMES adapter, but, I have no idea
> where it is finding the information.
> Thoughts?
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Wed May 18 2016 - 13:33:38 CEST