tnsping phantom file

From: Storey, Robert (DCSO) <"Storey,>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 18:32:07 +0000
Message-ID: <>

A simple thing, tnsping. However, its causing me much grief today.

Troubleshooting connectivity issue and so I immediately do a tnsping from the client station. Tnsping returns the expected information. App still will not connect.

I go look at the tnsnames.ora file and the service name does NOT exist in my file. Yet, the tnsping is returning the proper values for the service name I am asking for (which is the default service name for our app that we put on all computers).

I added the service name via net manager but only setup 1 of the two ports we normally used. I also created a different service name (Service B) with the same information. Once I added the expected service name to my tnsnames file, the app works.

However, a tnsping returns BOTH ports I normally configure for the service name. Not just the one I configured new. Tnsping of Service B returns just the one value.

The screen shows me it is using the TNSNAMES adapter, but, I have no idea where it is finding the information.


Received on Tue May 17 2016 - 20:32:07 CEST

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